Lindsay Lohan 5 pounds

Lindsay Lohan 5 pounds
Lindsay Lohan 5 pounds, Lindsay Lohan has reportedly gained five pounds since her Adderall was taken away a week ago at the Betty Ford Clinic in Rancho Mirage. According to the New York Post, Lohan has become emotional in the week since she stopped taking the drug under doctors' orders and has turned to food for comfort. She has put on weight as a result.

Lohan's energy level is not as high as it was when she was on Adderall. The 26-year-old actress has attempted to exercise and continue to be active, but it is more difficult for her without the drug, according to the report. Adderall is a psycho-stimulant and the medication contains amphetamine. The drug can also suppress appetite. Celebrities are known to take the drug for weight control.

Lohan suffers from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and was taking Adderall to treat her condition.

Lohan was ordered by Los Angeles Supreme Court Judge James Dabney to serve a 90-day sentence in lock-down at the rehab as part of a plea bargain to avoid jail time. Lohan was charged with reckless driving and lying to police about the car accident. She expressed she wanted to switch to another rehab center which would allow her to take the drug, but she was not permitted to leave.

Lohan could face a prison sentence if she does not remain at Betty Ford.

The actress made several public appearances before checking into rehab. She has a cameo in the film Scary Movie 5, in which she and Charlie Sheen have a cameo as a couple. The two were seen on the carpet together at the Hollywood premiere on April 11.

She also appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman on April 8 where she was teased by the host,

"Aren't you supposed to be in rehab right now?"

Lohan seemed shocked at his question and  replied that her stay was not to begin until May 2.
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