Snooki Without Makeup

Snooki Without Makeup, Snooki of Jersey Shore fame recently told InTouch that she "not walk out of the house without makeup", but she agreed to pose for them without her infamous pouf and makeup.

Surprise! She actually looks kind of cute. Snooki is an example of girl who does too much. Too much hair, too much makeup, too much cleavage, too much skin. It's okay to do any of those things one at a time, but do it all at once and...well, you'll likely get cast for a MTV reality show. She also revealed her secret for the pouf--she puts her hair up that way as soon as she out of the shower, lets it dry, and it stays in place all night with the help of a little hairspray.

What do you guys think of the fresh-faced Snooki? Do you need to wear makeup to go out?
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