Canadian man takes pet buffalo to bars

Canadian man takes pet buffalo to bars
Canadian man takes pet buffalo to bars, A Canadian man wouldn’t go anywhere without his favorite pet; a buffalo. Jim Sautner has named the bull Bailey Junior and he has lived with the animal since it was just a calf.

Locals at Alberta, Canada have also grown fond of the creature. When Jim takes Bailey on a walk around town, residents stop and acknowledge them. There is no limit to where the two go together.

The local pub is one of the places where Jim and his pet are known. They share beer together at the local pubs where Bailey is allowed to enter. To ensure that he can travel with the creature, Jim has modified his convertible Sedan to accommodate the animal in the car. They are quite a sight when they ride together in the car!

Linda, Jim’s wife, says her husband and the animal have special bond between them. The animal gets to watch television with the family.

Linda told reporters that, “It makes them happy to be around each other.”

Bailey stands at 6 feet tall and 8 feet long with a weight of 1,820lbs. Bailey was adopted as orphaned calf by Jim about three years ago.

Source: thaindian
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