Kim Kardashian first 3D cover girl

Kim Kardashian first 3D cover girl
Kim Kardashian first 3D cover girl. Kim Kardashian is set to become the first 3D magazine cover girl. The 30-year-old reality star took part in the spread for World’s Most Beautiful, which is the first ever magazine shot entirely in the format.Photographer Nick Saglimbeni came up with the idea after watching eye-popping scenes in the Avatar movie and Kim said she was excited about the new venture, which will bring her closer than ever to her fans.

“It’s like you’re popping out of the screen!” Kim enthused. “There are so many exciting things you can do with 3D. I can’t wait to see what you do with it after this.”

The photos can be best appreciated with a pair of standard red-cyan anaglyph glasses or in regular 2D version.

The undercover shoot was so top secret that even Kim did not know about the futuristic end result until later. She was “amazed” when Nick finally told her but said it was not her easiest shoot to date.

“We were in this abandoned mining town, doing this shot where I was all glammed out in black lace, and I had to lie down on this old wooden porch,” Kim shared.

“I got so many splinters, in so many painful places, but I just stayed focused and tried to be sexy. I loved the contrast and how it all came together.”

Source: yahoo
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