Casey Anthony probation

Casey Anthony probation
Casey Anthony probation. Casey Anthony will be required to serve a year of probation for check fraud charges in light of a clarification made on Monday by the judge presiding over that case.

It is not known whether Anthony will be required to report for probation in Orlando, but the supervision will begin this week.

"The judge has sent a corrected order. She will be on probation after all," said Florida Department of Corrections spokeswoman Jo Ellyn Rackleff. "We haven't determined exactly when or where, but it will be within 72 hours."

Anthony, 25, was released from jail in Orlando last month without any restrictions placed on her freedom after her acquittal on a murder charge connected to the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee.

Her whereabouts have not been publicly disclosed in the weeks since her release.

The probation stems from a separate case. Anthony pleaded guilty in January 2010 to check fraud charges resulting from purchases she made after Caylee's death using the checking account of one of Anthony's best friends.

Anthony was sentenced to the 412 days she had already spent in jail, to be followed by a year of probation.

Jail officials concluded that her probation period was completed in the course of the 18 subsequent months she spent in jail awaiting trial on the murder charge.

But the judge who sentenced Anthony in the check fraud case has clarified his intent, said Leesa Bainbridge, spokeswoman for the clerk's office.

"It was to make it perfectly clear that she was to serve probation upon release," Bainbridge said.

Bainbridge said only Judge Stan Strickland and a deputy clerk were present when Strickland signed documents on Monday related to the probation issue.

Rackleff said the judge will send the corrected order to Anthony's attorneys.

Source: reuters
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