Concession Stand Just Said "Mi ke's Lemonade" so Ratte b ought it for son
Concession Stand Just Said "Mi ke's Lemonade" so Ratte b ought it for son, A new concession stand waits empty and unused at Pleasant View Park while the city council decides how to make best use of it.Recreation Director Steve Moore has offered to run the concession stand himself with help from his wife, but said there are also other options.
"We've got that beautiful concession stand down there and we want to use it," said Moore. "We can rent it out for somebody else to use, hire a concessionaire or have it sit there and do nothing."
Moore is concerned the concession stand would be damaged if it was rented out and said the city could wind up with broken items in the concession stand if it is not managed properly.
"I am just afraid we would have destroyed things," said Moore. "The other option is run it through the city just for our recreation, or for AYSO if they want. We would have an inventory before and after, and two people working, one to sell and one to manage the till."
Moore said he and his wife had run concessions in Plain City and said the concessions paid for themselves plus just a little extra.
"What about the person who runs Straw Market?" asked Councilman Michael Humphreys. Straw Market is near the park.
"He doesn't want us to do it at all. He is worried about it taking away all his business," said Moore.
"You've got to open it up to whoever wants to apply," said Councilman Tim Hjorten.
Moore said the city could purchase the goods to sell, and the Pepsi bottler would provide soft drinks so the city would have to pay only for the product that was used.
He said Pepsi would bring in a fountain, or canned and bottled drinks. He said Pepsi would also be willing to bring in carts to the other city parks that don't yet have a concession stand.
Mayor Doug Clifford said when his children were young and involved in recreation in Boise, Idaho, parents ran the concession stands. Clifford said he would like the city council to discuss how the concession stand should be run and bounce it off the city attorney before coming to a decision.
"I'm the biggest fan of having the concessions there, I'm the one that wanted it," said Clifford. "I'm just a little leery of running it."
Moore said cities running this type of concession stand was the norm in his experience. He said he would check how other cities handle concessions and report back to the council.