Muhammad Ali ailing

Muhammad Ali ailing
Muhammad Ali ailing, Muhammad Ali's brother, Rahman Ali, told The Sun "it could be days. I don't know if he'll last the summer. He's in God's hands." Rahman also said "the worst thing to happen is not the illness, but his wife."

Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1984, and his fragile appearance at the 2012 Olympics led to widespread comment. He was aided at the opening ceremony by his wife Lonnie. Rahman says Lonnie refuses to let the family visit the ailing legend and Muhammad Ali Jr. claims he's been "blocked" from visiting his father as well. Reported UPI...

Rahman claims his brother set up a trust for him, but that wife Lonnie has put a stop to it. “If he knew what was happening and where I’m living now, he’d be as mad as hell, so angry. He’d divorce her. If he saw what was happening with his children, he’d go crazy.”

Rahman said his brother, known as The Greatest, wanted to be buried in the same Louisville cemetery as their parents. "On his tombstone, he said he wanted the Martin Luther King quote, ‘'I tried to love somebody, I did try to feed the hungry. I did try, in my life, to clothe those who were naked. I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity.’ The Greatest.'"
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