Scarlett Johansson's Naked Scenes

Scarlett Johansson's Naked Scenes, Scarlett Johansson has signed on to play Janet Leigh in the much anticipated Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, which chronicles the making of Hitchcock's (arguably) greatest film. She'll be reenacting the chilling scene in which Leigh is stabbed to death by motel owner-manager, Norman Bates, in the shower and likely screaming her head off.

If there's anyone who can pull off a believable murder victim, it's the enormously talented Johansson. And, talent isn't her only asset: In fact, many fans are ecstatic about the opportunity to see the curvy blond naked -- too bad I think that part will be a giant letdown. Here's why:

It's not that I don't think she's drop dead gorgeous -- I have eyes and absolutely do! It's just that we've already seen her in the buff! Don't you remember what happened a few months ago? She had a bunch of nude photos leaked and then came forward to complain about the privacy breach. Those over-eager people who wanted to see her naked already got their peek, and there's nothing in this movie that will top that.

Plus, the rumor is that Scarlett doesn't even do nudity in films. Most top actors these days are choosing to keep covered up, and Scarlett is no exception; even if they do agree to it, they often have the final cut. So you can buy into the gossip that the shower scene took seven whole days to film, but don't cry to me when it's not as juicy as you'd hoped.

And who cares anyway when the whole point of the movie is to scare the pants off us and make us paranoid in the shower forever after? I think Scarlett will have no problem with that.

Original Scenes from The Shower - Psycho

Source: cafemom
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