Joan Rivers 700 Surgeries

Joan Rivers 700 Surgeries, The post-Super Bowl “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” featured Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg. Both have SNL under their belts (Fallon does too), both are very Jewish and, according to Sandler, they both have a pretty similar name — which is enough for them to actually work together on a new movie, “That’s My Boy.”

Not many serious topics were discussed, though Samberg said he had always wanted to play Sandler’s son, since their nose resemblance is just uncanny. Sandler, Samberg and Fallon also impersonated one another — a pretty simple task for Sandler (mentally challenged 8-year-old?), but Sandler’s imitation of Fallon and Samberg was the winner.

And Fallon did a keg stand, with Samberg and Sandler holding his legs. He only lasted five seconds.
Joan Rivers’ plastic surgery meter

You know how sometimes you’re watching TV and all of a sudden Joan Rivers appears and someone always says, “Man, she’s probably had over 500 plastic surgeries!”

Believe it or not, the number is actually higher: 739!

In an interview with the Australian Daily Telegraph, Rivers, 78, admitted that having plastic surgery for her is kind of like going to Starbucks for others, except that the coffee at the clinic is probably better.

“Every weekend I just go in and I do something new. I get a 10th one free,” Rivers said. “It’s a little like coffee; you just keep going.”

Rivers, whose new reality TV show “Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best” is threatening to kill your TV from the inside, was interviewed alongside daughter Melissa, who apparently is not really happy with her mom’s knife fe*ish.

”At one point I start to think the risk outweighs the reward, so I wanted my mom to know how I felt about it and I think I made myself fairly clear,” Melissa said.

Apparently that didn’t really work out, though Joan is taking pride in one thing she hasn’t done yet: a tattoo. Melissa joked that her mom should tattoo her home number on her body, with a message: “If lost, please call Betty White.”

By the way, in case anyone is contemplating trying to keep up with Rivers, at a rate of one surgical procedure a week, it should take a little more than 14 years to reach 739. It’s a long time, but think how spot-on your Joan Rivers Halloween costume will be in 2026.
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