Strippers Boomtown North Dakota

Strippers Boomtown North Dakota, Williston, North Dakota is a dusty, prairie town. It’s just a stone’s throw from the Canadian border. Up until a few years ago, few Americans had ever heard of it. Now they’re flocking there in droves. Even strippers from Vegas are making the migration.
You see, there’s no recession in Williston. Far from it: The city’s unemployment rate is close to zero. The majority of the jobs sport starting salaries north of $100,000 a year. That’s not a typo: Six figures to start. It’s a real honest-to-goodness Western boomtown.

The city’s two strip clubs are packed seven nights a week. They’re a good place to check out if you’re job hunting. Many workers find a job a few hours after they arrive.
And the strippers? They’re in seventh heaven. Even an average stripper can make $1,500 a night in tips. That’s 10 times what she’d make in Vegas. Good ones make double that.
What on earth is going on in this once quiet town in the middle of the northern prairie? Williston is ground zero for the new oil and natural gas boom that’s happening in the “Rough Rider” state.
Need a job? Pack your bag and head on up. Just bring a place to live with you. The few hotels are booked for several years by the oil companies who operate there. The housing shortage is Williston’s biggest problem. If you’re lucky enough to find a place to rent, you’ll pay four times what you would have just a couple of years ago.
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