Scientists 'turn off' peanut allergies

Scientists 'turn off' peanut allergies
Scientists 'turn off' peanut allergies, Peanut allergies are one of the most common types of food allergies and can be potentially dangerous when individuals with a peanut allergy are exposed to the nut. However, scientists may have developed the magic treatment for resolving the peanut allergy.
Allergies develop when the body detects a foreign particle as invasive and triggers an immune response. In the case of peanuts, the immune system triggers an extreme reaction, called anaphylaxis.

According to the National Institutes of Health, there are about 15,000 to 30,000 reported cases anaphylaxis episodes annually in the U.S., resulting in 100 to 200 deaths. During these episodes, there can be severe reactions, including sudden constriction of the airways, shock, and loss of consciousness, and there are no treatments available for these allergies.

Now, Northwestern University researchers claim to have discovered the key to altering the immune system’s response to peanuts.

In the experiments, researchers attached a peanut protein to blood cells, and injected them into mice with peanut allergies. This allowed the T-cells to building up tolerance to the peanut proteins, which alleviated the future immune response when presented with peanuts. turn off peanut allergies, +peanut allergies tricking immune system,

This result can potentially be altered for human use and could be tweaked for other food allergies.

This approach had been used in previous studies, examining autoimmune diseases, but it was not used in creating food particle tolerance in the immune system of patients with allergies. egg allergies,

This study was published in the Journal of Immunology.

Source: thestatecolumn
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