Steven Seagal and dead puppy suit

Steven Seagal and dead puppy suit
Steven Seagal and dead puppy suit. Steven Seagal facing lawsuit over deadly police raid

Action man Steven Seagal is facing legal action over a puppy which was allegedly shot dead during a dramatic police raid filmed for his reality TV show.

The Under Siege star and officers from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department took part in the March bust on Jesus Sanchez Llovera's property in Arizona following allegations he was running an illegal cockfighting farm.

Llovera has denied the claims and alleges cops caused "substantial damage" to his family home when they performed the "unfounded" raid, reportedly killing his kids' 11-month-old puppy and more than 100 of his roosters, which he insists are only "for show".

The whole incident was caught on camera for the upcoming season of the martial arts star's reality show, Steven Seagal: Lawman.

Seagal and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio have both been served with an official notice of claim, the first steps towards a lawsuit, with Llovera demanding US$100,000 in damages.

He also wants Seagal to issue a "formal written apology" addressed to his children for their pet's tragic death, reports

Seagal was invited to patrol the streets of Phoenix with Sheriff Arpaio in April.

Source: 3news
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