Crock Pot Girls FB page goes viral
Crock Pot Girls FB page goes viral. As I often do, I logged on to Facebook two nights ago to check in with my friends and family. As I observed the “Recent Activity”, one item caught my attention: 9 of my friends (most of whom do not know one another) had all “Liked” a page called Crock Pot Girls.Out of curiosity, and because a busy mom like me is always looking for a good new crock pot recipe, I clicked on the page. It had about 253,000 fans. Impressive! But when I perused the Information page, I noticed this Facebook page was only ten days old. Really impressive! This Facebook page has gone viral.However, with this kind of activity, visitors can’t always easily find posts they may have seen before unless they were willing to Like them or comment on them. For instance, if someone found a recipe on the “Wall” they liked and didn’t copy it right away, that recipe would quickly get pushed to the next page of the feed by the time the page was refreshed.
The three busy moms from Texas who started this Facebook page must have realized that the overwhelming activity on their page had quickly become unmanageable, because they also just launched a new blog for Crock Pot Girls.
The blog, which is brand new and clearly still working through some start-up issues, now houses the founders’ growing collection of crock pot recipes and tips. Nothing fancy; just the crock pot information their followers want.
Too often, when something goes viral on the web, the result is quite unpleasant. But that doesn’t seem to be the case here. And more importantly, this viral success story underscores a message that we preach to our customers every day: simplicity is good.
The takeaway is never underestimate the value of a clear, targeted message. The Crock Pot Girls aren’t trying to be all things to many people; instead it has a singular focus, and it has effectively and rapidly engaged the interest of a huge number of enthusiastic fans, creating an online community . As we tell our clients, sharing your product or service offering with the right people, in a focused way, will generate the kind of interest you want and need to grow your business.
Coincidentally, as I work at my office desk today, there is a gorgeous roast slowly cooking in a crock pot on my countertop at home. It will provide a welcome dinner of Italian beef sandwiches for my family this evening. Oh, and the Crock Pot Girls? At the time of this post, just two days after I discovered them, have continued to grow their fans exponentially. The current fan base is 766,668.