Sheen's pal hospitalized

Sheen's pal hospitalized

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt, and in the Charlie Sheen saga, we knew that was just a matter of time. Sheen's star pal Kacey Jordan has been hospitalized after mixing a deadly cocktail of drugs and drinks, saying she thinks she may have been pregnant with Charlie's baby and she was "trying to feel his pain." Keep reading.

This is actually really scary stuff, and it reminds us about the values of education, family support and a few morals. Twenty-two-year-old actress Kacey Jordan -- whose real name is Courtney Roksop -- has been tweeting shamelessly, almost with a laugh, about what she's been doing since she partied with Charlie Sheen in January.
That party was so crazy that it landed Charlie in the hospital, and we knew the women surrounding him couldn't have been all that stable. Kacey Jordan has been taking to Twitter to tell followers about the amount of cocaine and other substances she's been doing, explaining why she feels the need to escape reality:
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