From Inside Tunisia's Cabinet, An Online Revolution Emerges

Police officers celebrate 
as they demonstrate in Tunis on Saturday. Tunisia's once-feared police who carried out the repressive policies of their now exiled president are joining hands with protesters who brought down the dictator.

TUNIS — Tunisia’s interim government was holding its first meeting since the ouster of former dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.

Moufida Tlatli, an internationally known Tunisian filmmaker, took her seat as culture minister. Two opposition leaders stepped aside to confer privately. The prime minister confided that he was still in touch with his old boss, Mr. Ben Ali, who had in fact left hoping to return again after a brief hiatus.

And then came the first policy dispute with the holdover members of the old ruling party, known as the R.C.D.: they objected that the new minister of youth and sports, the dissident blogger Slim Amamou, was not wearing a tie.
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