Feb 13, 2013

Girl with IQ of 161

Girl with IQ of 161
Girl with IQ of 161, The girl with IQ of 161, Lauren Marbe, proved that you can be smarter than Professor Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and even Albert Einstein. All these men have IQ of 160.

The 16-year-old schoolgirl from Roding Valley High School, Loughton, Essex, took the Mensa-accredited IQ test earlier this month along with other high achievers at her school.

She is expected to get A’s for her GCSE’s.

“It was such an achievement and I got a bit tearful to tell you the truth,” says Lauren.

She plans to study architecture degree at the University of Cambridge.

The IQ test is designed to test a range of abilities to determine the level of intelligence of the student – in the UK the average score is 100.