Jan 8, 2013

Politicians Kids Troubles

Politicians Kids Troubles
Politicians Kids Troubles, Politicians tend to grab headlines for their partisan viewpoints or squabbles, but their families also get attention – and not always for accomplishments. Take 19-year-old William Hilton Paul, for example, a senator’s son who was arrested on Jan. 5 for underage alcohol consumption. Whether it’s DUIs, drugs or alleged mishandling of campaign funds, we look at some past misdeeds committed by politicians’ children.

William Hilton Paul: A senator’s son
What he allegedly did: Nineteen-year-old William reportedly was arrested over the weekend on a charge of underage alcohol consumption after a flight from Kentucky to North Carolina Charlotte north Carolina. The airline denies a role US Airways denied serving alcohol William Paul in the alleged crime. William’s father reacted Rand Paul brief statement son arrest to the incident.

His punishment: William, who is the grandson of a former presidential candidate Ron Paul, also faces other charges William Hilton Paul Paul charged disorderly conduct being intoxicated disruptive. His politician father Rand Paul.

Jesse Jackson Jr.: The son of a civil rights leader
What he allegedly did: Jesse resigned from Congress in November jesse jackson jr. second congressional district of illinois to focus on treatment for a health condition bipolar II amid a federal investigation into allegations of mishandling campaign funds Jesse Jackson Jr. misuse campaign funds investigation. Several candidates are vying candidates file Jesse Jackson Jr to replace him on Capitol Hill.

His punishment: The former lawmaker, who seemingly disappeared for a few months Jesse Jackson Jr missing, is in talks for a plea deal Jesse Jackson Jr negotiating plea deal, he face a prison term Jesse Jackson Jr plea deal jail time. His politician father Jesse Jackson.

Willson Nixon: The son of Missouri’s governor
What he allegedly did: Willson, aka Will (pictured on the left), received a citation for marijuana possession after police investigated a loud party on his college campus University of Missouri Columbia last fall, the drugs Willson Nixon police looked through open door saw marijuana on table.

His punishment: The city prosecutor dismissed Prosecutor Adam Kruse drops citation Willson Nixon the citation for this reason Willson Nixon lack of evidence. His politician father Gov. Jay Nixon.

Alexander Whitehouse Rhode Island: A son of a senator
What he did: Alexander, 19, was arrested Alexander Whitehouse Middletown Rhode island convenience store and charged with drunken driving the legal limit Rhode island legal alcohol limit .08form=msnhal last summer. His parents said about the incident Sheldon and Sandra Whitehouse concerned upset alexander arrest.

His punishment: He pleaded no contest Alexander Whitehouse no contest to the charges and received a fine and other consequences Alexander Whitehouse suspended driver’s license for three months fine $250 community service dui school. His politician father Sheldon Whitehouse.

Patrick Kennedy II: A son from a political family dynasty
What he did: At age 21, Patrick was elected as a Rhode Island representative Patrick Kennedy II Rhode Island House of Representatives. But 18 years later, he pleaded guilty to a DUI Patrick Kennedy II guilty dui auto accident after a drug-induced car crash. He said this medication Ambien left him disoriented when he smashed his Ford Mustang near Capitol Hill.

His punishment: Patrick was sentenced to seek drug treatment the other penalty Patrick Kennedy 2 sentenced dui probation. He also sought medical help for a mental health disorder Patrick Kennedy II bipolar disorder and is now sober. His politician father Ted Kennedy.

John Boyd: A former congressman’s son
What he allegedly did: In 2008, John was caught smuggling four illegal immigrants at the Arizona-Mexico border he paid $3,000 for each illegal alien. A search of his car turned up other illegal items crystal methamphetamine.

His punishment: 30 months in prison after pleading guilty to a felony charge transport and harbor illegal aliens for profit. His politician dad Former rep Allen Boyd.

Jenna Hager Bush and Barbara Bush: Twins of a former president
What they allegedly did: In 2001, twin sisters Jenna and Barbara found themselves making headlines after police cited them for misrepresenting their ages in an attempt to purchase alcohol at a famous Tex-Mex restaurant Chuy’s Austin in Austin, Texas. They were 19 at the time, and 21 is the legal drinking age in Texas.

Their punishment: Both pleaded not guilty, and their cases were dismissed after their punishments — community service, alcohol awareness classes and $100 fines each — were fulfilled. Politician dad George W. Bush.

Noelle Bush: A former governor’s daughter
What she allegedly did: In 2002, Noelle was arrested for prescription drug fraud. She left several messages on a pharmacist’s machine, posing as a Dr. Noelle Scidmore. She want Xanax Anxiety.

Her punishment: She was sentenced to mandatory drug treatment. While in the program, Noelle was found with cocaine and finally wound up spending 10 days in jail. Politician father Governor Jeb Bush.

Caroline Giuliani: The daughter of a “clean” New Yorker
What she allegedly did: In 2010, Caroline was arrested at a New York City cosmetics store Sephora E. 86th Street . A security camera caught her shoplifting more than $100 worth of items.

Her punishment: She was charged with petit larceny define Petit larceny, but the charges were dismissed, should she complete a day of community service and stay out of trouble for six months. Politician dad Rudy Giuliani.

Al Gore III: A former vice president’s son
What he allegedly did: In 2007, Al the Third was stopped by police for speeding 105 mph. After smelling marijuana, the officers searched the vehicle and found a portable pharmacy full of drugs, including these Vicodin, Valium, Xanax and Adderall.

His punishment: Al pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana and prescription drugs, and was sentenced to 90 days of drug treatment. His politician dad Al Gore.

David Huckabee: The son of a 2008 presidential candidate
What he allegedly did: In 1998, David, then 17, was allegedly dismissed as a Boy Scout camp counselor after being involved with the hanging of a stray dog. In a 2007 incident, David was arrested for attempting to board a plane Little Rock, Arkansas with a loaded gun.

His punishment: While claiming he’d forgotten about the weapon in his luggage, David entered a guilty plea and received a one-year suspended sentence with 10 days of community service. His politician father Mike Huckabee.

Alexandra Kerry: The daughter of a senator
What she allegedly did: In 2009, Alexandra, 38, was pulled over by police expired registration and then failed a field sobriety test. She refused a Breathalyzer and was taken back to the police station for testing. She pass Tested at .06, which is under the legal limit.

Her punishment: Based on her test results, prosecutors made a decision before the case came to trial. Not prosecuted for dui. Politician father John Kerry.

D’Anne Leigh Mica: A Florida congressman’s daughter
What she allegedly did: Driving home from a Mexican restaurant in 2010, D’Anne was pulled over by police and admitted to having had cocktails. Blood alcohol level It was more than twice the legal limit.

Her punishment: Despite the evidence, D’Anne’s attorney challenged the legality police lacked probable cause to pull her over of the traffic stop. Judge dismisses dui charge. Politician father Congressman John Mica.

Jeffrey Rush politician’s son: The son of an Illinois representative
What he allegedly did: Jeffrey was head of security at a halfway house for women Fox Valley Adult Transition Center. In 2007 he arranged to have sex with an inmate off-site. He was found guilty of sexual misconduct and sentenced to 30 months’ probation but kept his job. He lose it a year later sexual contact with two female inmates and inappropriate contact with a third.

His punishment: A grand jury handed down 47 counts of official misconduct, but in a deal with prosecutors, Rush pleaded guilty to only three. His sentence 180 days in jail. His politician Father Bobby Rush.