Dec 27, 2012

Tim Tebow quitter

Tim Tebow quitter
Tim Tebow quitter, Because of an injury to Greg McElroy, Rex Ryan has passed over Tim Tebow again, giving Mark Sanchez the start Sunday. Read about it here. Remember when Tim Tebow was “excited” to be joining the New York Jets and kept using that word that over and over and over?

Ah, the good old days. Less than a year later, the words he uses are “disappointment” and “frustration” as the Rex said/Tim said report that he’d asked out of the Wildcat formation, the only one in which he is used, continues to devour the Jets. He may have been hit in the helmet by a Mark Sanchez pass and leapfrogged by No. 3 quarterback Greg McElroy when Sanchez was benched and relegated to special teams and gadget formations, but those moments were more embarrassing than anything. This fresh humiliation concerns the worst word that can be applied to an athlete: quitter.

As has been the case his entire NFL career, Tebow found that he was back to being a polarizing figure. ESPN’s Merrill Hoge said Tebow is “phony as a three-dollar bill.” On the other side was Yahoo’s Jay Hart, who wrote, “One reported moment of a frustrated quarterback is enough for some to assassinate the character of a man who has proven time and time again to be as standup a human being as there is.”

On Wednesday, Tebow tried to explain what happened last week and denied the ESPN report that he had told Ryan he didn’t want to be used in the Wildcat after Ryan’s decision last week to start McElroy. It was clear that the story and commentary cut deeply.

“When people are talking about how you play football or how much, that’s one thing, it really doesn’t bother me,” he said (via “I think the only thing that has been disappointing for me these last few days, and frustrating, is the people saying, “Oh, you quit on the team” or “You’re not a good teammate.” I think that’s disappointing. You ask the people that I’ve played with, and I take a lot of pride in that, you ask the people that I’ve played with, my teammates, the people around me, and they know I’ll do anything for my teammates. I would go out there and play my heart out, be the first one at practice, the last one to leave, do whatever I can for my teammates.

Read More: washingtonpost