Dec 25, 2012

Chelsea Clinton Future

Chelsea Clinton Future
Chelsea Clinton Future, She may include a step into the political arena, at least if pundits and politicians have their say. The younger Clinton has been rumored to be a front-runner for mom Hillary's presidential bid in 2016 … should it actually happen.

"I think she could be a powerhouse," former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland told "She has just, in my judgment, grown up into a person of considerable skill and competence. I don't know if she has a personal goal in elected politics or not, or exactly what her life goals may be, but she certainly has a lot of rich personal experience as a result of her upbringing," Strickland added. C Post Reported...

The girl who entered the White House as a geeky, awkward teenager has developed into a powerful, successful young woman. She currently works with the Clinton Foundation and NBC as a special correspondent. Clinton is the face of a younger generation and has not been shy about her political views.

She recently moderated a panel by the Association for a Better New York, which included Rain Henderson, Erica Hamilton, and Josh Wachs. The event focused on the subject of climate change and Clinton made a vague reference to entering the political arena on her own.

"If there were to be a point where it was something I felt called to do and I didn't think there was someone who was sufficiently committed to building a healthier, more just, more equitable, more productive world? Then that would be a question I'd have to ask and answer," she told Vogue magazine in an interview.

For now, though, Chelsea is happy enjoying married life and possibly starting a family with husband Marc Mezvinsky in a few years.

Mom "always tells me [parenthood] was the greatest thing that ever happened to her," Chelsea told Vogue. "And as the subject of such an amazing compliment, I can't do anything but be grateful and smile and say that I'm confident that I will feel the same way when I am so blessed. It's certainly something that Marc and I talk about."

"Historically, I deliberately tried to lead a private life in the public eye. And now, I am trying to lead a purposefully public life," Clinton added. For now, she is using her public persona to work on LGBTQ advocacy- something that has been met with both criticism and support. It's one of the first times she's taken a public stand on the matter.

If her mom should choose to run in 2016, Chelsea will most likely be called on for her support and ability to relate to younger voters.

"She was incredibly articulate and human," Mo Elleithee, a Clinton spokesman in 2008, told Politico. "She can speak about her mother in a way that is charmingly personal while at the same time substantively deep … I think she will just become more and more impressive over time."