Dec 6, 2012

Bizarre ideas that made millions

Bizarre ideas that made millions
Bizarre ideas that made millions, No matter how bizarre it might be, it could end up making you some serious cash. Even controversial and somewhat scandalous ideas can end up making millions.

Santa mail
Byron Reese got a stocking full of cash after starting a business writing letters from Santa. Parents can pay a small fee for Reese and his elves to send a letter to their child postmarked from the North Pole. The idea proved a great success and the company expanded, selling letters for an occasion other than Christmas as well. Byron Reese and Santa Mail sent birthday cards from Santa as well, Byron Reese has made millions from Santa Mail, Byron Reese started Santa Mail in 2001 Byron Reese sold 10,000 letters from Santa the first year Santa mail sent over 315,000 letters Byron Reese started Santa Mail to honor his mom,

Ken and Roni di Lullo hit the jackpot when they invented Doggles — goggles for dogs. The eyewear is suitable for most dogs and offers UV protection with a snug fit. This popular product has also helped military dogs better perform their duties Doggles has made millions, some Doggles now have prescription lenses for dogs with poor eyesight Doggles have been seen on CNN, Regis and Kelly, The Today Show, Good Morning America,

Afterlife Telegrams
Afterlife Telegrams, founded by Paul Kinsella, is a communications company, in a sense. For a small fee (how much?) the company will attempt to send a message to someone who has passed away. Read about the unusual method they use to deliver these telegrams. Afterlife Telegrams does not profit from the sale of the telegrams afterlife telegrams money either given to a relative, donated to a charity or used to pay for medical bills, Paul Kinsella said he set up Afterlife Telegrams to help people,

Phil Ozersky baseball
Cardinals fan Phil Ozersky was in the right place at the right time when the ball of this famous baseball player’s 70th home run of the season bounced into his hands. Officials from the St. Louis team apparently tried to get Ozersky to trade the ball in for some signed gear, but he decided to auction off the ball instead and ended up profiting unbelievably from doing so. philip ozersky auctioned off baseball for $3 million, Phil Ozersky built a handicapped-accessible home for his dad,Phil Ozersky bought Cardinals season tickets,

Petite Amande
There’s no longer a need to light a scented candle or spray an air freshener to cover the doggie smell in your home. British pet outfitters Mungo & Maud have marketed a designer perfume for dogs. The sweet-smelling fragrance can apparently also be used by humans. Petite Amande £38 Petite Amande launched in 2007,Sienna Miller and Liz Hurley reportedly wanted Petite Amande for their dogs, Petite Amande means little almond perfumer Lyn Harris created dog fragrance Petite Amande,

Pet Butler
Scooping poop can be a very profitable business, as both Matthew Osborn and Matt “Red” Boswell proved. Osborn started his business in Columbus, Ohio, in 1987 and watched his clientele grow to impressive numbers. Boswell founded a pooper-scooper franchise that scoops poop across all of North America. Matthew Osborn Pet Butler served about 700 regulars customers, Pet Butler made Matthew Osborn a millionaire, Matt Boswell has made millions from Pet Butler, Matthew Osborn learned there were 100,000 dogs within 15 miles of my home, Matthew Osborn spent $150 to start Pet Butler, Matt Boswell job title is Chief Excrement Officer,

The Texas Lice Squad
Registered nurse Penny Warner has turned the unappealing task of removing lice into a profitable business. She owns and runs The Texas Lice Squad, which boasts the highest publicized lice removal success rate in the country. The Texas Lice Squad success rate is 99.6%, The Texas Lice Squad charges $95/hour for treatment, Penny Warner founded The Texas Lice Squad after fighting head lice on her own children head lice feed on human blood,

Pet Rock
Gary Dahl took one of the simplest ideas and made a crazy amount of money from it. He bought gray stones, packaged them in a small box with straw and marketed them as live pets. The Pet Rock was popular for about six months, particularly around Christmas in 1975. Pet Rock stones were bought at a builder’s supply store, official training manual titled The Care and Training of Your Pet Rock, Gary Dahl reportedly made $15 million from Pet Rock Gary Dahl invented Pet Rock after listening to friends complain about their pets

Joan Ginther
Joan Ginther has been called the “luckiest woman in the world” after winning the lottery an astonishing four times. However, her education and professional background have some people doubting it was just luck. Joan Ginther has won over $20 million, Joan Ginther won the lottery in 1993, 2006, 2008, 2010 Joan Ginther has degree in statistics from Stanford University, Joan Ginther was a math professor, odds of winning lottery four times 1 in 18 septillion,

David Choe Facebook graffiti
Although he thought Facebook was “ridiculous” at the time, artist David Choe agreed to paint a mural in one of its earliest offices and get paid in company stock. The Facebook IPO  earlier this year made Choe a multimillionaire. David Choe offered $60,000 or company stock, David Choe’s shares valued around $200 million, David Choe said “You can’t buy your privacy back” after news of his Facebook money, Facebook valued at more than $100 billion,

Lucky Break Wishbones
Ken Ahroni got his lucky break when he created Lucky Break Wishbones, a company that sells synthetic wishbones. It’s no longer necessary to fight over the Thanksgiving turkey wishbone, as you can get a four pack for about $4. You might be surprised to find out how much Ahroni has made from this unique idea. Ken Ahroni wanted to make more wishes possible since there’s only one wishbone in a Turkey, 400 Lucky Break are $195.99, Lucky Break Wishbones makes over $2.5 million per year Ken Ahroni had to find a plastic that would break like bone, Lucky Break makes 30,000 wishbones each day,

Hot sauce blog
Many people dream of making a living from writing a blog, and Nick Lindauer has successfully done it. He turned his blog about hot sauces into a serious money-making scheme. He even sells some sauces that require customers to sign a liability waiver before buying. Nick Lindauer makes about $200,000 a year from hot sauce blog, Nick Lindauer started hot sauce blog in 2004 Hot Sauce Blog mission statement Nick Lindauer sells over a thousand hot sauce products on blog,

The Alibi Network
The Alibi Network will do your dirty work for you. For a fee, the company will provide you with an excuse or alibi to help get you out of the pickle you’ve gotten yourself in to. Although the concept is quite controversial, the service has proved extremely popular. The Alibi Network provides services from $75 The Alibi Network will provide excuse for infidelity, financial difficulties, social issues Mike DeMarco says The Alibi Network keeps relationships together. The Alibi Network prices for alibis for affairs depends on individual circumstances, become a member of The Alibi Network to order alibiThe Alibi Network offers discreet shopping service, is a company that has managed to take a unique concept, fitting in today’s world, and turn it into a success. Contributors to the site suggest domain names and a client only pays for a name if it decides to use it. The contributor, in turn, gets a percentage of the fee if its name is chosen. has over 50000 contributors charge $50 per domain/$75 per slogan contributors get 40-60% of the order value. estimated worth $10,553, Canadian couple used used to name their baby, orders get around 500 or so suggestions,

Gregg Miller created testicular implants for neutered dogs and other animals. The hugely popular Neuticles were designed to help a pet look and feel the same after being neutered. over 500,000 pets have been neuticled worldwide, nearly $53 billion expected to be spent on pets in 2012, Gregg Miller developed Neuticles his dog Buck was neutered,

The Million Dollar Homepage
Alex Tew launched The Million Dollar Homepage, a web page consisting of one million pixels, in 2005. The website sold advertising space for $1 a pixel, but actually ended up earning Tew more than $1 million. Alex Tew created The Million Dollar Homepage to raise money for his university education, The Million Dollar Homepage final 1000 pixels sold at auction for $38,100, The Million Dollar Homepage made $1,037,100 in gross income, Alex Tew created The Million Dollar Homepage when he was 21, it cost Alex Tew €50 to set up The Million Dollar Homepage,

Despite being laughed at by friends, Sami Bayrakci created in 2007. The website has many items, all sold for the same price, but the trick is you won’t know what you are getting until you receive it. Sami Bayrakci started SomethingStore because he couldn’t decide what get a friend for their birthday SomethingStore sells items for $10 items include gourmet chocolates, a pair of handmade earrings, magazine subscription. SomethingStore was profitable its first full year, Sami Bayrakci invested $3,000 in SomethingStore, 64,671 somethings have been shipped since 10/28/07,

Catherine Keane made some serious cash with her business, Hungrypod, a service that uploads music to people’s iPods for them. For an additional fee, she offered a service that recommended music to her clients based on their CD collections. Catherine Keane made $100,000 a year from Hungrypod, Catherine Keane started hungrypod after a friend of hers offered her $500 to load his CD collection onto his iPod, Catherine Keane advertised hungrypod on craigslist and word-of-mouth

Ashley Madison
Noel Biderman started the controversial dating website Ashley Madison in 2001. What’s so controversial? It’s a dating site geared toward married people who are looking for a relationship on the side. Ashley Madison has over 16,580,000 anonymous members, Noel Biderman has made millions in profit with Ashley Madison, Ashley Madison receiving roughly 1,800,000 unique visitors per month Fox refused to broadcast Ashley Madison commercial at Super Bowl,