Aug 3, 2012

Miley Cyrus Philadelphia

Miley Cyrus Philadelphia, Miley Cyrus’ home has become the victim of a hoax 911 call after pranksters reported an attack on the house. The Los Angeles Police Department were quick to respond to the emergency call, employing helicopters and surrounding the premises with armed officers. It wasn’t long before they discovered that house was actually completely empty and they had fallen victim of a new prank craze known as ‘swatting’ which involves the jokers making up a fairly major crime in order to have a Swat team sent to the home of an individual.

When caught, the callers -who also claimed shots had been fired – will face arrest and criminal charges possibly for wasting police time and lying to the police. Had any shots been fired by the police causing injury to an individual, the caller could’ve faced much more serious charges. However, no-one was hurt and Cyrus wasn’t even present in the area having jetted over to Philadelphia to join her fiance actor Liam Hemsworth on the set of his new movie ‘Paranoia’.

They were both recently spotted taking a walk in the city with their pet pooch Ziggy after grabbing a coffee at Starbucks. The 19-year-old former ‘Hannah Montana’ star is set to star in a new film, ‘Family Bond’, where she will play a young teenager on a mission with her father to rescue her missing mother.