Phone scam lottery winnings

Phone scam lottery winnings
Phone scam lottery winnings, The Better Business Bureau is warning consumers of a new scam hitting the market. It targets cell phone users and is called "smishing," similar to "phishing."

The BBB says scammers use text messages to get consumers to release their personal information.

One form tricks consumers into believing their bank accounts have been frozen. The text message seems to come from the bank and directs the victim to call a provided number to unfreeze the account. When the consumer calls, they are connected to the scammers, who will ask for personal information like account numbers, PIN numbers and social security.

BBB officials say the scam also takes forms as companies offering free products, mortgage assistance or even lottery winnings.

Here are some tips to help you protect your personal information from these "smishing" texts.

  • Do not reply. Replying to a spam text only verifies that your number is active, meaning more messages can be sent.
  • Check with your bank directly. Separate from the text, look up your bank’s phone number and contact your bank directly to confirm the status of your accounts.
  • Avoid unknown links. Do not click on any link sent by an unknown party.
  • Block suspicious numbers. If you have received texts from an unknown number, contact your phone provider to block the number the texts are originating from.
  • Do not store personal information on your phone. Avoid storing credit card and account log-in information in e-mails or notes on your phone.

For more information, check the Better Business Bureau's website.
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