Peanuts Gang + Got Milk? campaign

Peanuts Gang + Got Milk? campaign
Peanuts Gang + Got Milk? campaign, Thanks to all the candy that comes along with Halloween, kids definitely don’t need even more sugar in the form of soft drinks.

This year, Charles Schulz’s PEANUTS gang is advocating for chocolate milk or other flavored milk in place of soda.

Experts agree that most kids need more key nutrients found in milk, and offering chocolate milk is one way to get them to drink more. Studies have shown that kids who drink flavored milk get more of the calcium they need and have better quality diets overall than those who do not drink milk.

"At Halloween and throughout the year, I recommend swapping out sugary soft drinks for nutrient-rich drinks like lowfat milk – whether flavored or white. It has nine essential nutrients growing bodies need – including calcium, vitamin D and potassium, three of the four nutrients of concern for Americans," says Deborah Mulligan, MD, FAAP, spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

The PEANUTS Halloween-themed Milk Mustache Ad marks the first time in 15 years that all the main characters have appeared together in a US print advertising campaign. The two iconic campaigns have joined forces to remind parents chocolate milk is a great way to give their kids something nutritious around Halloween. The ad also celebrates the 45th anniversary of the Peanuts Halloween animated classic, "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."

For more information about the “got milk” campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics, go to,
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