Extinct frog rediscovered

Extinct frog rediscovered

Extinct Frog rediscovered - Believed extinct frog discovered in Israel, It's not surprising to hear about an animal being taken off the endangered species list, but an Israeli frog is now getting removed from the extinct list.
The hula painted frog, native to Hula Valley, Israel, was thought to have died out more than half a century ago, but a Hula Valley Natural Resort ranger managed to find and capture the rare frog after recognizing its unique jumping technique. extinct frog israel,

The frog sports a dark belly with small white spots, along with hues of ochre and rust. Only five of these rare species have ever been collected. Israel,

Parts of the area's wetlands had been turned into a nature reserve years ago, but after many searches experts concluded the species died off. Hula painted frog,

The rediscovered frog has now been placed in a protective facility for medical checks after which it will be released in the natural resort.  Hula painted frog ,

Source: fox28
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