Burger King French Fries
Burger King French Fries, Burger King launches thicker fries amid competition.
(Reuters) - Burger King Corp, the second largest hamburger chain, has changed its french fry recipe for the first time since 1998 as competition from upstarts and traditional fast-food rivals mounts.
Burger King said it made the new fries thicker, reduced sodium and added a coating that makes them crisper and keeps them hotter longer.
Ann Coulter Morning Joe
Ann Coulter Morning Joe, Ann Coulter bleeped on 'Morning Joe'Ann Coulter was bleeped on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show on Tuesday but the censoring didn’t work and the conservative pundit could be heard using some words not fit for TV - apparently about Sen. John McCain.
Coulter appeared to call John McCain (R-Ariz) a “douche bag” on the morning show, in the context of a conversation where she said she preferred conservative principles to mere consistency.
While talking about the Arizona senator, Coulter’s audio was bleeped by the show, cutting in and out three separate times, for a total of about 13 seconds.
Deaths November 2011
Deaths November 2011
Deaths November 2011 - November in memoriam, In October we said farewell to many noteworthy individuals including a boxing legend, a "Wizard of Oz" actor and a TV legend. Read on to learn more about them and the others who passed away this month.
Lady Gaga stripped Tony Bennett could sketch pictures of her for Vanity Fair
Lady Gaga stripped Tony Bennett could sketch pictures of her for Vanity Fair, 'It's Tony Bennett, why am I naked?': Lady Gaga reveals the bizarre moment she stripped off so veteran singer could sketch her nude.
He claims she is America’s answer to Picasso.
But it was Tony Bennett who was became the artist when he completed a nude sketch of Lady Gaga
The 25-year-old singer revealed that Bennett had captured her naked form in her Thanksgiving Christmas TV special.
Speaking about the experience during the CBS special she explained: ‘I walked in and said “Well Tony here we are,” and I dropped my robe and I got into position. I felt shy and thought “It’s Tony Bennett, why am I naked?”’
Lisa Lopes killed car
Lisa Lopes killed car
Lisa Lopes killed car, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, the most flamboyant and outspoken member of the multiplatinum trio TLC, has died, according to a spokesperson for the group's label, Arista Records. Lopes was 30.TLC T-Boz bankruptcy
TLC T-Boz bankruptcy
TLC T-Boz bankruptcy, tlc t boz bankruptcy Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins, who with the hip-hop/R&B trio TLC sold tens of millions of albums in the 1990s and won four Grammy Awards, has declared bankruptcy.
Museum puts humans on display
Museum puts humans on display
Museum puts humans on display, Human Zoos: Quai Branly Museum Puts Humans On Display. It's a queasy experience, viewing chained tribal dancers do a white man's bidding, or African women stripped and photographed to feed European curiosity.Famous December birthdays
Famous December birthdays
Famous December birthdays, 'Tis the season for celebration, and these celebrities will celebrate with another candle in their cakes. A game show host, a crime investigator and a television producer are among those with birthdays this month.Toyota unveils 'smartphone' car
Toyota unveils 'smartphone' car
Toyota unveils 'smartphone' car, Toyota unveils futuristic smartphone car The brand new Toyota Fun-Vii is designed to look and feel like a “smartphone on wheels.”
Prince William rescue
Prince William rescue
Prince William rescue, Prince William carried out a dramatic helicopter rescue just 48 hours after announcing he is to marry Kate Middleton next year, it has emerged.
Wyclef Jean charity
Wyclef Jean charity
Wyclef Jean charity, Haitian-born musician Wyclef Jean has come under intense scrutiny over alleged mismanagement of his Yele charity. But the Grammy-award winning star isn't the first to spark a scandal in his quest to do good. The American Red Cross, Salvation Army and United Way, to name a few, have all come under attack in recent years for inappropriate, and in some cases criminal, actions.
Hedy Lamarr wireless technology
Hedy Lamarr wireless technology
Hedy Lamarr wireless technology, Imagine that, on Sept. 12, 2001, an outraged Angelina Jolie had pulled out a pad of paper and some drafting tools and, all on her own, designed a sophisticated new missile system to attack al-Qaida. Now imagine that the design proved so innovative that it transcended weapons technology, and sparked a revolution in communications technology over the next half-century.
Kourtney and Kim Take New York
Kourtney and Kim Take New York
Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Everyone loves a good trainwreck. Last night’s season premiere of “Kourtney & Kim Take New York” set a new ratings record. Nearly 3.2 million viewers tuned in to watch the beginning of the end of Kim Kardashian’s short-lived marriage to Kris Humphries. That’s 6 percent more eyeballs than the Season 1 opener garnered in Jan. 2011.
Anne Hathaway engaged
Anne Hathaway engaged
Anne Hathaway engaged, Anne Hathaway is about to have her real-life "Princess" day. The actress, 28, is engaged to longtime boyfriend Adam Shulman, 30, a rep for Anne has confirmed to Access Hollywood .
Pope faces seat belt lawsuit
Pope faces seat belt lawsuit
Pope faces seat belt lawsuit, Pope sued seat belt, The spiritual leader of the Catholic world is facing a German lawsuit for failing to wear a seatbelt during his visit to the country in September.
Restaurants to test fish DNA
Restaurants to test fish DNA
Restaurants to test fish DNA, Restaurants fish DNA Restaurants around the world will soon use new DNA technology to assure patrons they are being served the genuine fish fillet or caviar they ordered, rather than inferior substitutes, an expert in genetic identification says.
Arizona Gun Club Santa
Arizona Gun Club Santa
Arizona Gun Club Santa, A Scottsdale, Ariz. gun club is offering families the opportunity to pose in holiday pictures with Santa Claus and a gun.
Santa kids machine gun
Santa kids machine gun
Santa Kids Machine Gun, Arizona gun club Santa An Arizona gun club has put a new twist on Christmas by inviting families to pose for a photo with Santa Claus and a high-powered firearm.
Safeway apologizes 4-year-old banned for life
Safeway apologizes 4-year-old banned for life
Safeway apologizes 4-year-old banned for life, A Scottish dad said he was pleased to hear about a mall's change in policy after he was kicked out for taking pictures of his own daughter.
Safeway apologizes for banned 4-year-old
Safeway apologizes for banned 4-year-old
Safeway Apologizes for Banned 4-year-old, Safeway apologizes after 4-year-old is banned for life. Apparently Safeway would rather open cans of worms than clean up open snacks.
Sirhan hypno-programmed
Sirhan hypno-programmed
Sirhan Hypno-Programmed, Assassin's Lawyer Says Sirhan Sirhan Was Brainwashed.
RFK assassin seeks release
RFK assassin seeks release
(Fun Tuna) RFK assassin seeks release, Pleasant state valley prison Lawyers for the man convicted of assassinating Senator Robert Kennedy say they have new evidence that their client is innocent.
T.I. gay activists not American
T.I. gay activists not American
T.I. gay activists not American, ti gay activists not american It's been quite a year for celebrities who speak their minds regarding the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.
Deadliest Earthquake History
Deadliest Earthquake History
Deadliest Earthquake History, A look at the worst earthquakes in recorded history, in loss of human life. (These figures do not include the March 11, 2011, temblor off eastern Japan, the death toll of which is still not known.)
Zainab Bibi Nephew
Zainab Bibi Nephew
Zainab Bibi Nephew, A Pakistani woman is being held on suspicion of killing her husband, cutting him up and trying to cook the pieces, Karachi police said Friday.
Oklahoma earthquake sixth four days
Oklahoma earthquake sixth four days
Oklahoma earthquake sixth four days, 5.6 oklahoma earthquake november 5, Another small earthquake has been reported in Oklahoma.
Miley Cyrus stoner
Miley Cyrus stoner
Miley Cyrus stoner, Miley Cyrus, who was seen smoking what she claimed to be the legal herb salvia out of a bong in a video last year, proclaims herself a stoner in a newly released video.
Wife cooks husband Pakistan
Wife cooks husband Pakistan
Wife cooks husband Pakistan, Zainab bibi nephew Police in Pakistan have arrested a woman who killed her husband and was attempting to cook his body parts in the southern city of Karachi.
Pocahontas 346 million
Pocahontas 346 million
Pocahontas $346 Million, The characters from the Disney movie Pocahontas propel the tale of the Europeans arrival to the New World. The movie was released in theaters in 1995, to VHS in 1996 and to DVD in 2000. It was not only a box-office hit, but received several awards as well.
Pocahontas wedding site
Pocahontas wedding site
Pocahontas wedding site, William Kelso archaeologist Archeologist William Kelso is certain he's discovered the remains of the oldest Protestant church in the United States, standing between two holes he insists once held wooden posts.
November 2011 celebrity quotes
November 2011 celebrity quotes, The nation was shocked by a college football scandal and uplifted by a congresswoman's survival story. The Republican presidential debates kept coming, while President Barack Obama's health care law reached a major milestone. As always, Hollywood saw its share of gossip — from an Oscars shakeup to a teen pop star's paternity suit. Read through to discover the most quotable quotes of November.
Police catch escaped wallaby
Police catch escaped wallaby - A wallaby left motorists hopping mad this morning. The animal caused traffic chaos in a Hampshire village early today.
Giant LEGO Christmas tree
Giant LEGO Christmas tree - Largest Lego Christmas Tree Erected At London St Pancras, A giant Lego Christmas tree has been erected at London's St Pancras station, the tallest tree ever built with the toy bricks, according to the manufacturer.
CDC confirms new swine flu strain
CDC confirms new swine flu strain - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that three new cases of the swine flu have been confirmed in Iowa. The CDC says the disease originated from pigs. Health officials have assured that there is no cause for alarm, at least for now.
Australian boy, 14, jailed in Bali
Australian boy, 14, jailed in Bali - A Bali court sentenced a 14-year-old Australian boy to two months in jail on Friday for possessing a few grams of marijuana, a lighter sentence than sought by prosecutors after Canberra asked for leniency.
Twilight birthing scene seizures
Twilight Seizures: Twilight birthing scene triggers wave of seizures in theaters across the U.S. Twi-hards now have more to worry about than the end of the popular vampire franchise.
Webcam Arizona plane crash
Webcam Arizona plane crash, The body of a child - aged between five and nine - was found at the crash site several hours after authorities were first alerted to the tragedy, myFOXphoenix.com reported.
Lady Gaga Nude Tony Bennett
Lady Gaga Nude Tony Bennett
Lady Gaga Nude Tony Bennett, During Lady Gaga's 90-minute Thanksgiving special, A Very Gaga Thanksgiving, which the singer conceived and directed, she revealed some unexpected news.
Gaga poses nude
Gaga poses nude
Gaga poses nude, Lady gaga nude tony bennett, Lady Gaga still hasn’t recovered from her naked encounter with legendary crooner Tony Bennett, revealing her decision to pose nude for him as he sketched her was one of her most “nerve-wracking” moments.
Riddle Of The Day
Riddle Of The Day, There are seven transsexuals and only one real girl. There are some hints: look at their hands and the only girl is a very famous actress of adult movies.
Man rescued quicksand Utah
Man rescued quicksand Utah
Man rescued quicksand Utah, Utah authorities say they rescued a 25-year-old man who was stuck in a pool of quicksand for eight hours.
Man loses 191 pounds bet with wife
Man loses 191 pounds bet with wife
Man loses 191 pounds bet with wife, By the end of last year, Jay Wornick tipped the scales at 366 pounds, raising the concerns of his wife, Angela. Frustrated by her inability to motivate her 30-year-old husband to lose weight, she decided she needed to make a play to his competitive side.Judge challenges inmate to lose weight
Judge challenges inmate to lose weight
Judge challenges inmate to lose weight, Inmate loses weight A 345-pound man jailed for driving with a suspended license was freed nine days early thanks to a Lake County, Fla., judge’s “lose-a-pound, gain-a-day” deal.
Rice-a-roni rice pilaf milk recall California and Arizona
Rice-a-roni rice pilaf milk recall California and Arizona
Rice-a-roni rice pilaf milk recall California and Arizona, Rice-A-Roni has initiated a voluntary recall on a small quantity of specific family-size boxes of Rice-A-Roni Rice Pilaf flavor due to an undeclared milk allergen. This product was originally distributed to stores located in California and Arizona. People who are allergic to milk run the risk of a serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume this product.The affected product is limited to 10.8 ounce family-size boxes of Rice-A-Roni Rice Pilaf flavor with the UPC Bar Code ending in 43004 and Best Before Date of JUL 30 12 B stamped on the bottom of the box. Consumers with a milk allergy who have this product in their possession should return it to the retailer where it was purchased for a full refund.2011 November product recalls
2011 November product recalls
2011 November Product Recalls, Consumers were warned about contaminated pine nuts, unapproved dietary supplements and fragile vases in November. Find out what other products were removed from shelves in the past month.Second Mayan Reference 2012
Second Mayan Reference 2012, The archaeological institute in Mexico downplays theories that the Mayas predicted an apocalypse would occur in 2012, but says a second cryptic reference has been found.
According to the Mayan inscriptions, the Earth will be beset with untold disaster in 2012, on either the 21st or 23rd of December.
Until now, most experts had cited just one surviving reference to the date, but Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History says in a statement that there is in fact another apparent reference to the date at the nearby Comalcalco ruin.
The only known reference to the so-called Apocalypse until now has been a date inscribed in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco.
The new reference is found on the carved or molded face of a brick. Comalcalco is unusual among Mayan temples in that it was constructed of bricks.
The second reference was actually discovered several years ago, but has been the subject of intense and discreet study until the announcement by the institute of its existence.
According to the "Comalcalco Brick," as the second fragment is known, the world will indeed be struck by a major catastrophe toward the end of December, but not all Mayan experts are convinced.
David Stuart, a specialist in Mayan epigraphy at the University of Texas at Austin, told the Associated Press the date inscribed on the brick "is a Calendar Round, a combination of a day and month position that will repeat every 52 years."
The brick date does coincide with the end of the 13th Baktun; Baktuns were roughly 394-year periods and 13 was a significant, sacred number for the Mayas. The Mayan Long Count calendar begins in 3114 B.C., and the 13th Baktun ends around Dec. 21, 2012.
Stuart added that the inscription could correspond to past events as well, not necessarily one in the future.
"There's no reason it couldn't be also a date in ancient times, describing some important historical event in the Classic period. In fact, the third glyph on the brick seems to read as the verb huli, 'he/she/it arrives'."
Unlike the inscription on the stone tablet from the Tortuguero site, the Comalcalco reference contains no future tense, which some experts say makes it more of a historical reference than prophetic one.
Both inscriptions were carved around 1,300 years ago, with the Tortuguero inscription describing something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation.
Some read the last eroded glyphs as perhaps saying, "He will descend from the sky."
The Comalcalco brick on the other hand, is odd because the molded or inscribed faces of the bricks appear to have been laid facing inward or covered with stucco, suggesting they were not meant to be seen.
The Institute of Anthropology and History, however, has long held that Apocalyptic rumours are a Westernised misinterpretation of Mayan calendars and that saw time as a series of cycles that began and ended with regularity, but with nothing apocalyptic at the end of a given cycle.
News of the discovery of a second reference, however, has lit up Internet forums across the world, with many speculating on the alleged impending disaster.
In an effort to address such rumours, the institute is organizing a special round table of 60 Mayan experts next week at the archaeological site of Palenque, in southern Mexico.
The round table discussion aims to "dispel some of the doubts about the end of one era and the beginning of another, in the Mayan Long Count calendar", according to a press release.
According to the Mayan inscriptions, the Earth will be beset with untold disaster in 2012, on either the 21st or 23rd of December.
Until now, most experts had cited just one surviving reference to the date, but Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History says in a statement that there is in fact another apparent reference to the date at the nearby Comalcalco ruin.
The only known reference to the so-called Apocalypse until now has been a date inscribed in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco.
The new reference is found on the carved or molded face of a brick. Comalcalco is unusual among Mayan temples in that it was constructed of bricks.
The second reference was actually discovered several years ago, but has been the subject of intense and discreet study until the announcement by the institute of its existence.
According to the "Comalcalco Brick," as the second fragment is known, the world will indeed be struck by a major catastrophe toward the end of December, but not all Mayan experts are convinced.
David Stuart, a specialist in Mayan epigraphy at the University of Texas at Austin, told the Associated Press the date inscribed on the brick "is a Calendar Round, a combination of a day and month position that will repeat every 52 years."
The brick date does coincide with the end of the 13th Baktun; Baktuns were roughly 394-year periods and 13 was a significant, sacred number for the Mayas. The Mayan Long Count calendar begins in 3114 B.C., and the 13th Baktun ends around Dec. 21, 2012.
Stuart added that the inscription could correspond to past events as well, not necessarily one in the future.
"There's no reason it couldn't be also a date in ancient times, describing some important historical event in the Classic period. In fact, the third glyph on the brick seems to read as the verb huli, 'he/she/it arrives'."
Unlike the inscription on the stone tablet from the Tortuguero site, the Comalcalco reference contains no future tense, which some experts say makes it more of a historical reference than prophetic one.
Both inscriptions were carved around 1,300 years ago, with the Tortuguero inscription describing something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation.
Some read the last eroded glyphs as perhaps saying, "He will descend from the sky."
The Comalcalco brick on the other hand, is odd because the molded or inscribed faces of the bricks appear to have been laid facing inward or covered with stucco, suggesting they were not meant to be seen.
The Institute of Anthropology and History, however, has long held that Apocalyptic rumours are a Westernised misinterpretation of Mayan calendars and that saw time as a series of cycles that began and ended with regularity, but with nothing apocalyptic at the end of a given cycle.
News of the discovery of a second reference, however, has lit up Internet forums across the world, with many speculating on the alleged impending disaster.
In an effort to address such rumours, the institute is organizing a special round table of 60 Mayan experts next week at the archaeological site of Palenque, in southern Mexico.
The round table discussion aims to "dispel some of the doubts about the end of one era and the beginning of another, in the Mayan Long Count calendar", according to a press release.
2nd Mayan 2012 "It Arrives"
2nd Mayan 2012 "It Arrives", The Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History have admitted that they have a second reference to the date 2012 as “end of the world” on a carved fragment found at an archaeological site in southern Mexico.
Sams club the brick bible
Sams club the brick bible, LEGO Bible too racy, 'Brick' breaker: Lego bible too racy for Sam's Club. For more than 10 years, Brendan Smith has been telling the story of the Bible in a very unusual way: with Legos.
Through his hit Web site and three popular books, Smith has spread the gospel of "The Brick Testament." But now, because of what it says are concerns about "mature content," Sam's Club, one of the nation's largest retailers, has banned in-store sales of the fourth book in the series, "The Brick Bible."
Dead sea scrolls authors
Dead sea scrolls authors, Mystery of Dead Sea Scroll Authors Possibly Solved. The Dead Sea Scrolls may have been written, at least in part, by a sectarian group called the Essenes, according to nearly 200 textiles discovered in caves at Qumran, in the West Bank, where the religious texts had been stored.
Scholars are divided about who authored the Dead Sea Scrolls and how the texts got to Qumran, and so the new finding could help clear up this long-standing mystery.
881 Pound Tuna, Mass
881 Pound Tuna, Mass. Fishermen snare 881-pound tuna, feds take it. NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (AP) — It's the big one that got taken away. Local fishing boat owner Carlos Rafael was elated when one of his trawlers snared an 881-pound bluefin tuna earlier this month.
Nam myoho renge kyo chant Tina Turner
Nam myoho renge kyo chant Tina Turner
Nam myoho renge kyo chant Tina Turner, I'm off shortly for a week's vacation in the warm waters of Puerto Rico with my boyfriend. Let me leave you with this remarkable short snippet said to be Tina Turner chanting the prayer of Nishiren Buddhism.Octopus walks on land
Octopus walks on land
Octopus walks on land, The Animal Kingdom is full of wondrous creatures. We are constantly surprised at what animals are capable of. But this is just nuts. Did you know that an octopus could walk on land? Because I had no idea. And this video blew my mind!
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