Sexual contact with two female inmates and inappropriate contact with a third jeffrey rush

Sexual contact with two female inmates and inappropriate contact with a third  Jeffrey Rush
Sexual contact with two female inmates and inappropriate contact with a third Jeffrey Rush, The son of an Illinois congressman is accused of having sexual contact with two female inmates and inappropriate contact with a third while working for the state Department of Corrections, officials announced Friday.
Jeffrey M. Rush, 41, the son of U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, was a supervisor of security at the Fox Valley Adult Transition Center in Aurora, a facility which houses female offenders.

Between February and June, Rush met two inmates for sexual contact on numerous occasions and offered a third inmate a ride, according to the Kane County state's attorney's office.

Rush drove a state-issued vehicle to transport one of the women and authorized more release time for another inmate so the two could meet outside the correctional facility, according to the indictment.

Rush was fired Sept. 10, and a grand jury indicted him this week on 47 counts of official misconduct.
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