New cheryl cole single

New cheryl cole single
New cheryl cole single, Cheryl Cole's new single Promise This has leapt into pole position in the singles chart and become the biggest-selling first week non-charity single of the year.Promise has sold 157,000 copies since its release at the start of week.

It followed Cole's debut performance of the track on the X Factor.

Promise This is Cole's second solo number one single. Her debut Fight For This Love had one of the biggest first week single sales of 2009.

The track sold more than 290,000 copies.

Cole's first solo album 3 Words achieved triple-platinum status, selling more than 900,000 copies.

Cole's second solo album Messy Little Raindrops is released on Monday. Fellow Girls Aloud singer Nadine Coyle releases her debut solo album next month.

Promise This knocked Bruno Mars's Just the Way You Are from the number one spot.

Also doing well in the singles chart is Rihanna, whose new single Only Girl (In The World) went straight in at number two, giving her a 14th UK top 10 hit. Her track also broke the non-charity single record, with 126,000 copies shifted.

Source: bbc
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