Lady Gaga lettuce dress

Lady Gaga lettuce dress
 Lady Gaga lettuce dress, You remember how animal rights activists got all up in arms when Lady Gaga wore a dress made of meat to the MTV music video awards last year? Well now they’re giving her a chance to make up for it by wearing a dress made entirely from lettuce.

Reuters reports that PETA India is trying to, at least temporarily, take over for Nicola Formichetti and the rest of the Haus of Gaga. The organization has offered the singer a chance to say mea culpa for her meaty ensemble by wearing a lettuce dress when she attends the country’s first Formula One race this weekend.

PETA “designers” would construct a floor-length gown of salad ingredients on her body, a process they say would take about six hours. Then she’d be free to wear it all night, accompanied by someone to spray the lettuce with water “so that it doesn’t wilt.” Generous! But also, under the terms of the arrangement, Gaga would have to “embrace vegetarianism.”

Is it likely that Gaga will take the organization up on the offer? Probably not. (Mostly because, you know, it’s gonna take six effin’ hours.) But we don’t think PETA will have to worry about Gaga eating all that much meat when she’s in India, anyway. She said in an interview that while she’s there, she’d like to take a cooking class, and Indian food widely tends toward the all vegetables, all the time mentality. A lettuce dress would just be, well, gilding the arugula.

Source: reuters
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