Kardashian Honeymoon

Kardashian Honeymoon
Kardashian Honeymoon. Kim Kardashian and her new husband, basketball player Kris Humphries, decided to fly to Capri, Italy, where they are going to spend a brief honeymoon.
Kim and her husband left Los Angeles yesterday for Italy, according to some sources.

Even so, the honeymoon is very short. Kim Kardashian and Kris will return to the United States this week, as Kim Kardashian will present the MTV Video Music Awards 2011 ceremony that will take place in Los Angeles.

A short while ago some rumors suggested that Kim and Kris might organize a second wedding in New York. Kim immediately denied the rumors. ” There are rumors about a second wedding, In New York. This is not true” Kim Kardashian said on Twitter.

The short escapade in Italy is just the beginning of a real honeymoon that will take place only next year when Kim and Kris will have more free time.
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