Jul 16, 2011

Sedgwick Related Bacon

Sedgwick Related Bacon
Sedgwick Related Bacon. Kyra Sedgwick is related to her own husband, Kevin Bacon! Yes, it turns out that if you play six degrees of Kevin Bacon with his family tree, you will find that one of his relatives was related to Kyra. Uh, weird but frankly, chances are everyone is related in one way or another. Everyone's roots can be traced back to the first days of humans in Africa. Anyway, there is still a slight ick factor.

So, how did Sedgwick find out about being related to Bacon? Well, she was a guest on the show Who Do You Think You Are and found out that she was related to a number of famous people throughout history such as Jimmy Carter, Marilyn Monroe, Richard Nixon, and shockingly to her own husband. Krya and Kevin are tenth cousins once removed. Whatever that means?

Kyra Sedgwick made the shocking revelation while doing an interview on David Letterman's late night talk show. You can watch her interview below. Seriously, talk about awkward! How do you go home and tell you husband about that? Kevin Bacon must've gotten quite a chuckle when his wife told him.

Source: gather