Jul 12, 2011

Russian Dope Test Tour de France

Russian Dope Test Tour de France
Russian dope test tour de france. Russian Alexandr Kolobnev has tested positive for a banned substance during the Tour de France, the International Cycling Union (UCI) said on Monday.

The UCI said a urine sample provided by Kolobnev, part of the Katusha team, on July 6 was found to have the presence of Hydrochlorothiazide.

"Earlier today, the UCI advised the Russian rider Alexandr Kolobnev of an Adverse Analytical Finding (presence of Hydrochlorothiazide based on the report from the WADA accredited laboratory in Chatenay-Malabry) in the urine sample collected from him at an in competition test at the Tour de France on 6 July 2011," the UCI said in a statement.

Hydrochlorothiazide, often used in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure, removes excess fluid from the body and reduces urine output.

Kolobnev is free to continue riding in the Tour, the UCI said, because its anti-doping rules "do not provide" for a provisional suspension "given the nature of the substance which is a specified substance."

However, the UCI added that it was "confident his team will take the necessary steps to enable the Tour de France to continue in serenity..."

Kolobnev has four days to request an analysis of his B sample.

French police were at the Katusha team hotel on Monday evening, an eye witness said.

Source: yahoo