Lightning strikes Elephant again

Lightning strikes Elephant again

Lightning strikes Elephant again. Who says lightning never strikes twice in the same place? Certainly not Lucy the Elephant.

The national historic landmark on the Jersey shore was damaged over the weekend by a lightning strike that knocked out electrical, computer, alarm and air conditioning systems.

Richard Helfant, executive director of the group that maintains and operates Lucy, says Sunday’s lightning strike could cost anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 to fix.

Lucy was hit by lightning in 2007 as well. That hit caused $162,000 worth of damage to her riding carriage, called a howdah. After that incident, lightning rods were installed. They may have helped limit the damage from Sunday’s strike.

The popular 65-foot tall wood and metal tourist attraction just south of Atlantic City remains open and will mark its 130th birthday in two weeks.

Source:  cbslocal
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