Jul 9, 2011

How to Make Your Skin Glow

How to Make Your Skin Glow
How to Make Your Skin Glow. Everyone needs a healthy body and mind. The most prominent and visible symptom of health and happiness in humans beings is a glowing skin. Especially in women skin glow can epitomize their health and beauty. Every woman desires a healthy and beautiful body with a glowing and perfect skin. A hidden desire is present in all women to look young, healthy and beautiful. But today’s age with its pollution, stress and pace very often damages the skin and the over all health of our body. A number of beauty products are available in the market promising younger and radiant skin and body. But in most of the cases they are very expensive and may contain chemicals which in the long run can damage the skin instead of rejuvenating it.

However a few small tips can offer you a healthy skin and body. The following are the secret skin glow tips that can lead to a wonderful and gorgeous skin and body

Eat properly and the right stuff
Proper food is very important for a healthy body. What we eat affects the way we look. There are a number of vitamins and minerals which our skin particularly needs in order to develop and grow. Fresh fruits vegetables and dairy products are the main products which can make our body healthy and young. They will especially help when they are eaten fresh and in the proper quantity.

Fresh fruit, vegetables and grains contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C Vitamin E . These vitamins protects the skin from the bad effects of sun burn and pollution. They also fight skin decay and helps in giving the skin a refreshing look.

Apart from this minerals and acids contained in egg, fish oil poultry also contributes in skin repair and damage control

Drink water in plenty
In order to maintain a younger and healthier skin you need to drink plenty of water. There is nothing which can replace the need for water in skin. Skin moisture is essential if we are to maintain it healthy and perfect and the water that we drink helps in providing the required moisture. When we do not drink enough water our body will take the water from the skin. As a result our skin will become dry and lifeless.

Adequate Sleep
Adequate sleep is essential to make the body healthy. Sleeping allows our body to rejuvenate and repair and these two processes are very vital in order to maintain a healthy body along with fresh and younger skin. Lack of sleep can lead to a dull and aged skin with dark circles around the eyes.

Sufficient physical exercise is very important for our body and mind and a healthy body means a healthy skin. Again, our body produces some toxins which can be very harmful for our health and exercise helps us in flushing out those toxins. Exercise can help us fighting the stress of our day to day life also so that we can maintain a healthy mind which eventually itself in the form of a fresh look.

Mental peace
We can not expect a healthy body and a young and vibrant look if our inner mind is not at peace. We should have a stress free life in order to have a sound body. This can be achieved with the help of Yoga, meditation or any mode of relaxation that you can think of. No matter what the method is but your goal should be to relax. This will result in a fresh mind, healthy body and a wonderfully young and radiant skin.

Source: expertscolumn