Jul 11, 2011

Famous people who avoid food

Famous people who avoid food
Famous people who avoid food. Ask any expert on war, science or culture, and you will find that food plays a vital role in how our world is shaped. Here's a glimpse at some famous individuals and the foods they avoid, whether by choice or otherwise.

Mark Zuckerberg
For the past few years, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has liked to create personal challenges for himself. Inspired by comments at a party he hosted, Zuckerberg chose not to eat a certain form of food this year.
Kelly Osbourne
In 2010 Osbourne wore a bikini on the cover of "Shape "magazine after losing weight and became a co-host of E!'s "Fashion Police." She's said that she doesn't like diet food and instead eats low-fat dairy products and exercises regularly.
Anthony Bourdain
Bourdain is the noted author of "Kitchen Confidential" and the host of an award-winning show on the Travel Channel. He's dined on fermented shark and choked down warthog rectum, yet there is one dish he intends to avoid.
Alfred Hitchcock
It may surprise you that the "Master of Suspense", who frightened so many in his career, had cibophobia throughout his life
Michelle Obama
Since her husband was elected president, Michelle Obama has traveled the nation with her "Let's Move" campaign, extolling the virtues of a healthy lifestyle. Although she's planted a kitchen garden at the White House, there is one vegetable you'll never see on her plate.
George H.W. Bush
The former "leader of the free world" made his reasons clear when he banned a certain food from Air Force One. During a press conference, he stated that his mother made him eat the cruciferous vegetable when he was a child.
Rachael Ray
Celebrity chef Rachael Ray is known for her accessible approach to making tasty food. Even so, she is repulsed by one of America's top condiments.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
This fashionable conservative is motivated more by her medical condition than her palate when choosing what not to eat. Hasselbeck literally wrote the book on how not to feast on the food she shouldn't eat.
Joaquin Phoenix
After his famous hoax on the "Late Show With David Letterman", it may be hard to believe Joaquin Phoenix when he makes a stand, but his diet is no ruse. His parents raised his brother and him to follow certain standards when it comes to food.
Jessica Alba
After the birth of her first child in 2008, Jessica Alba insisted that her family avoid certain foods for the sake of their health. She recently visited the nation's capital and presented her dietary concerns to Congress.
Carl Lewis
Track-and-field legend Carl Lewis won nine Olympic gold medals during his athletic career. Lewis gained notoriety for the dietary choices he made while preparing for the 1992 Summer Olympics.
Queen Elizabeth II
Though discreet about her tastes, it has been reported that England's reigning monarch refrains from consuming a certain food that is banned in the Old Testament.

Source: Special