famous lost cities

famous lost cities
 Here’s a list of most famous lost cities in the world. Some lost cities at known sites have been stutied extensively by scietists. Thus, lost cities might be referred to as ghost towns. Cities may become lost a variety of reasons, including economic, geographic and social such as war. Here is a list of the most famous lost cities that ever in the world.

6. Caesars City

Also known as the Wandering Town and City of Patagonia, the City of the Caesars is a mythical city believed to lie at the southern tip of South America. This city has never been found, and at this point is considered a legend more than anything.

5. Machu Picchu

Near the remote Urubamba Valley in Peru. The city was never found and looted by the Conquistadors, and not until the historian Hiram Bingham visited him in 1911. It is said to be in prison, but new research shows that it may be a personal Pachacuti Inca emperor.

4. Atlantis

It is described by Plato as civilization advanced and strong naval forces, Atlantis is said to have conquered most of Europe before sinking into the sea as a result of some kind of environmental disaster.

3. Petra

Petra is located in Jordon, and Arguably is the most beautiful of all cities. The most prominent feature is the beautiful stone architecture, carved from the rock surrounding mountains. It was explored in the 18th century.

2. Lost City “Z”

The lost city “Z” should be located deep in the Brazilian jungle, lost city “Z” considered as advanced civilization with a sophisticated network of bridges, roads, and temples. There is no evidence of its existence has ever been found.

1. El Dorado

One of the most famous of all the legendary city of El Dorado is a mythical kingdom is said to be found in the forests of South America. City is said to be led by a powerful king and keep untold wealth of gold and jewelry.

Source: mostinterestingfacts
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