EU 'bacon with added water'

EU 'bacon with added water'
EU 'bacon with added water'. Good news fry-up fans: bacon could get tastier. The European Union is planning legislation that will cut how much water can be added to bacon - from ten per cent to just five.If the new rules come into force, rashers with a higher water content must be labeled as ‘bacon with added water’. Most of the bacon sold in the UK has more than five per cent.

Lawrence Keogh, head cook at London restaurant Roast, welcomed the

new rules. He told Yahoo!: “This is brilliant news! They only add water

to bulk the weight.

“It will help specialist producers as people will realise just how good

their bacon is, while the big supermarkets will finally have to tell the

world that their bacon is not up to scratch.”

Foodies argue that bacon with less water is tastier, plus there’s less froth in the pan.

However the British Retail Consortium disagrees. A spokesman said: “It would make the bacon less moist, less succulent and less tender when it was cooked."

They added that there is no evidence customers want their bacon changed.

Under current UK legislation, bacon can be up to 10 per cent water before it must be relabeled.
The new law is set to be signed off this autumn. All labeling must be updated within four years.

It’s the not the first time the European Union has influenced British menus. EC Commission Regulation No 2257/94, which decreed that all bananas must be “free of abnormal curvature” (i.e. straight) became a laughing stock and was eventually repealed.

Source: yahoo
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