Jul 13, 2011

Cheap Ways to Beat the Heat

Cheap Ways to Beat the Heat
Cheap Ways to Beat the Heat. There are plenty of ways to keep cool during the summer months, but how many cost efficient ways are there? Try some ways to cool your temperatures and your budget as well.

Keeping Things in the Dark

Bright sunlight can add several degrees to the temperature of a room. Instead, invest in some room darkening shades. By reducing the flow of sunlight into a room during the peak heat hours of 12-2pm, room heating can be reduced. If you already own lined draperies for the windows, simply pull them shut. You don't need to keep in the dark all day; let the sun shine in during the morning hours and reduce its glow in the afternoon.

Full of Hot Air

Not only do windows let in heat through the light, but they let in the hot air of the day as well. Although an open window allows for fresh air to enter the house as well as a cooling breeze, it can also let in a blast of hot air. Allow windows to be open at night when the air is thinner and cooler. Then, as the day heats up close the windows on the hottest sides of the house, most likely the south and west sides, to block the flow of the hot air.

Water, Water Everywhere

Keeping the body fully hydrated has a plethora of benefits, but one is that will feel cooler. A properly hydrated body can function at its fullest which includes the cooling mechanisms which keep you feeling comfortable. On hot days avoid carbonated drinks, those filled with sugars, and alcohol. All of these liquids deter the natural cooling process of the body. Instead, load up on water; it's not only good for the body but it's a cheap drink as well!

A. C. Cooling vs. E. Lectric Fan

In the battle over air conditioning and electric fans, the feeling created by air conditioning will win most of the time. It turns a sauna into a refrigerator in no time, allowing us to forget the discomfort of a hot day. However, there is more discomfort that comes with the electric bill associated with air conditioning. The decision about the value of cool air versus high energy bills is a personal one. Below are approximations of KWH per hour used for fans and air conditioners:

  • room air conditioner 1 KWH per hour
  • central air conditioner 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 KWH per hour
  • ceiling fan .18 KWH per hour
  • window fan .25 KWH per hour

Put it on Ice

If the heat is too much and you need a quick hit of cool salvation, try this free fix. Put a t-shirt in the freezer for a few minutes. Be sure it's dry and clean. Then, remove it from the freezer and slip into cool comfort. It's a short lived thrill, but sometimes it's just what you needed. If you're heading to bed, place your pillow case in the freezer. You'll be cool enough to drift off to sleep before the effect of the freezer wears off.

Source: thriftyfun