World’s Funniest Country

World’s Funniest Country
World’s Funniest Country. The Germans have been voted the world’s “least funny nationality” in a global poll, which names Americans the funniest overall and the Spanish the most amusing Europeans, ahead of the Italians and French. The social network and dating website asked 30,000 people across 15 countries to name both the “funniest,” or best at making people laugh,” and “the least funny” nationality. Americans took the funniest prize, followed by the Spanish in second and Italians in third. The voting for “least funny” nationality confirmed the view of American novelist Mark Twain that “a German joke is no laughing matter.” The Germans won comfortably, ahead of the Russians and Turks. Yet, the British — whose “The Office” and Monty Python shows have become pillars of English-language humor — learn from the Badoo poll that they are not as funny as they think.

They placed just seventh out of 15 — behind the Brazilians, French and Mexicans. But they ranked higher when Badoo asked the opposite question: Which nationality do you find the least funny? Here, the British ranked fourth, just after the Turks. “I’m afraid that we don’t find some of the results very funny,” said Badoo’s Director of Marketing Lloyd Price, who is British. The Americans topped the poll, as the folks who brought us TV sitcoms like Friends, The Simpsons, Frasier, Seinfeld and any number of comic greats from the Marx Brothers to Woody Allen, Steve Martin, Larry David, Ben Stiller or now Tina Fey.

I’ll be perfectly honest I think I had something to do with this. I think we were probably in a dead heat with the Spaniards and KFC made the difference for the Americans. I liken it to that relay swim team with Michael Phelps a few years back in the Olympics when Jason Lezak was the anchor and just crushed that final leg of the race for the gold. We were neck with a bunch of Spanish talk show hosts from Telemundo who always just yell at the camera and point at their big titted co-hosts and the BAM out of nowhere KFC dropped a bunch of blogs about blindos and asians and 90s nostalgia and we won at the finish line.

How about the fucking British! Lost to the Mexicans! HA! Mexicans can’t even speak English! They aren’t funny. Come to think of it I think of it I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Mexican speak. The ones that cut my lawn growing up would just point at shit until I figured out they were asking to come inside to use the bathroom or needed some water. Ricky Gervais is out there busting his ass making sitcoms that we just steal and fucking George Lopez is finishing ahead of him. Haaha! Fucking English people. You guys are so ugly and not funny its not even funny.

Read more: barstoolsports
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