Palin Fans Wikipedia

Palin Fans Wikipedia
Palin Fans Wikipedia. Do some Sarah Palin supporters believe the former Alaska governor over Wikipedia? You betcha. Following last week's impromptu press conference in Boston during which Palin mangled the story of Paul Revere, fans descended on his Wikipedia page in an attempt to edit Revere's page to match Palin's interpretation, reports the Raw Story. Read what she said here.

To support Palin's claim that Revere warned the British, one user wrote, "Most colonial residents at the time considered themselves British." As for Palin saying Revere "rang bells" and "fired warning shots," another user said, "The generally accepted position is that the warnings were verbal in nature, although one disputed account suggested that Revere rang bells during his ride." The page was briefly locked by editors and later reopened. An opponent to the edits suggested a different approach for Palin supporters. "If you want to find a source to work into the article, you should search for sources that agree with what Palin said BEFORE she said it. Sarah Palin doesn't belong in this article, because it's an article about Paul Revere, not about Sarah Palin."

Source: newser
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