Cars made of strange stuff

Cars made of strange stuff. Everyone knows you make cars out of steel – or aluminium, or carbon-fiber composites. But for some, conventional substances just don't satisfy. Some engineers have built cars out of crazy stuff like hemp, paper and foam. Come along for a strange journey to a land of cars that crumble, rustle, stretch and squash.

Play-Doh Chevrolet
This English city was recently treated to the extraordinary sight of a bright blue life-size Play-Doh replica of the Chevrolet Orlando, when it was parked in the street as a publicity stunt. It took model-makers two weeks to build the car, which broke a world record.
There's eco-conscious and there's eco-combobulated. The BamGoo definitely falls into the latter category. Japan's Kyoto University is behind this daft single-seater electric car, whose body is made entirely of woven bamboo.

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